Case study
Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership: Assessment of EV and hydrogen hub

Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) appointed UK Power Network Services to produce a report outlining the options for the LEP to support the delivery of the proposed electric vehicle and hydrogen hub.
The scope for the project included economic considerations that can show the extent to which the proposed development can help achieve the strategic priorities of the LEP and indicate whether the project can deliver a return on investment.
Our Solution
We brought our experience in project management and the installation and delivery of low-carbon transport hub projects to ensure a high-quality options assessment was delivered via this engagement.
We analysed the proposed EV and hydrogen hub and assessed the available electrical infrastructure options for the site. This analysis included the option of getting energy from the DNO, local renewable generation (including battery storage options) and via a private wire connection to a waste-to-energy plant.
Key Outcomes
A business case for an EV charging hub and hydrogen fuelling hub was developed based on the expected utilisation of assets and the cost of putting together the electrical and civil infrastructure. Our consultants also highlighted the land and planning issues that were expected and developed recommends for strengthen the proposed development.