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We work with you to solve your energy challenges through innovative solutions, delivering resilience, cost efficiency and sustainability

UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio
UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio

We are expanding our portfolio of key infrastructure assets with the acquisition of UU Solar, from SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust LLP (SEEIT).

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Electricity generator fuel replacement improving air quality in and around London City Airport

Fuel Replacement

As London City Airport's strategic energy infrastructure partner, we recently completed a generator fuel replacement project that will improve air quality in and around the airport.

Due to quality issues identified during fuel testing as part of our maintenance regime, the diesel in the generators of the main electricity substation needed to be replaced. The generators provide an additional layer of resilience to the airport’s main electrical system and require a supply of fuel, in this case diesel, to operate.

To support London City Airport’s net zero targets, and in line with our sustainability policy, we decided to replace the diesel with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO).

The advantages of HVO include:​​​​​​​

  • Up to 90% reduction in net carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen oxide emissions
  • Synthesised from waste fats and vegetable oils making it renewable, sustainable and 100% biodegradable
  • Good cold weather performance and its high flashpoint makes it safer to store and handle when compared to regular diesel
  • A shelf life of 10 years compared to two years for regular diesel, depending on storage conditions​​​​​​​​​​​​

The nature of HVO meant we could use the existing infrastructure, allowing for a seamless changeover of the oil while keeping the generator in operation and available to the airport throughout the process. We also took advantage of the empty underground fuel tank to undertake a series of non-destructive tests which proved the integrity of the tank and confirmed no areas of concern such as corrosion or leakage.

We are delighted with the successful deliver of another project that will provide the airport with demonstrable results in support of their sustainability targets.

Click here find out more about our work at London City Airport.

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