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We work with you to solve your energy challenges through innovative solutions, delivering resilience, cost efficiency and sustainability

UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio
UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio

We are expanding our portfolio of key infrastructure assets with the acquisition of UU Solar, from SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust LLP (SEEIT).

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International Women in Engineering Day 2021 - Meet Heather, Client Delivery Manager

INWED Heather

This week we're celebrating International Women in Engineering Day, an awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering. Today we're catching up with Heather Smeaton-Lowen, Client Delivery Manager, who shares her thoughts on her 33-year career in the industry.

Heather, what you do at UK Power Networks Services?

I lead a team that operate, maintain and upgrade private electrical networks for around 300 clients across the UK.

Can you share with us an example of a challenge you’ve overcome?

Challenges come in various shapes and sizes as our clients range from hospitals to water companies, the Met Police and prisons to manufacturing plants. The biggest challenge is ensuring our clients’ networks are continuously maintained and when things do go wrong managing a team that are available 24 hours, 365 days to respond to their need, and getting it right the first time, safely.

What qualities do you think are essential for a career in engineering or STEM?

Having an open mind, being proactive to challenge and having the courage to speak up. Also, being mindful to a client’s needs, flexible to change and adopting different ways of approaching challenges faced every day.

How can we encourage more women to explore a career with us?

I joined this industry in the 80’s thinking it was just a job, and I would be here a short while and move on, but 33 years later I’m still here because my career and my life have grown and developed within the industry. It’s not just work, it’s a way of life and the range and variety of work within the company is vast. We are an industry that provides a service that everyone needs and uses every day, but isn’t sensational until you scratch below the surface and see what we look after!

Find out more about careers at UK Power Networks Services here.

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