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We work with you to solve your energy challenges through innovative solutions, delivering resilience, cost efficiency and sustainability

UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio
UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio

We are expanding our portfolio of key infrastructure assets with the acquisition of UU Solar, from SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust LLP (SEEIT).

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Power crew spruce up hospice grounds

Power Crew Spruce Up Hospice Grounds

28 September 2021: Fifteen staff from UK Power Networks Services joined forces to power wash paving, clear paths, clean lights, signs and railings, dig a ramp for a garden shed, replace fence panels and clear rubbish, making a ‘dramatic difference’ sprucing up the grounds at Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham.

The team, who build and maintain electrical infrastructure for military sites, gave their time through the company’s Donate a Day scheme, which enables staff to spend two paid working days each year helping their local community.

Rod Booth, client delivery manager at UK Power Networks Services, said: “This was a wonderful opportunity to support the local community where we work.

"By simply donating a day we achieved some amazing results and the gratitude and welcome we received from the team at Phyllis Tuckwell, who take such pride and care of their environment, was an inspiring experience.

"Even though we had quite a bit of rain, the achievements on the day made a dramatic difference."

Caroline Martin, business support assistant at UK Power Networks Services, organised the challenge to thank staff at Phyllis Tuckwell for the ‘amazing’ work they did looking after her father-in-law in the final stage of his life.

She said: "They came to the house and provided a range of support not just for him but for the family as well, so when I was looking for volunteering opportunities, they were my first point of call.

"Most people have been affected one way or another by a loved one living with an advanced or terminal illness such as cancer, heart, lung or neurological disease, so if we can provide even a little bit of help for Phyllis Tuckwell it’s definitely a worthwhile cause."

Simon Cox, estates manager at Phyllis Tuckwell, said:

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We would like to thank UK Power Networks Services for all their hard work. It was such a great morale boost to have them here, and they’ve made a real difference to the hospice, making it both safer and more presentable for our patients, visitors, staff and volunteers alike.

"UK Power Networks Services were the first corporate volunteer group we have had back at the hospice since the start of the pandemic, and it was fantastic to have them here, helping us with some of the external maintenance tasks that we don’t often have time to do ourselves. They achieved so much for us in such a short space of time. We hope to welcome their brilliant team back here again in the future, and hopefully other corporate volunteer groups like them."

If you would like to find out more about how your employer or company can support Phyllis Tuckwell, please visit www.pth.org.uk/business.

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